The ECOWAS Consultative Committee on Competition (CCC) held its 8th meeting to review the draft Cooperation Agreement between ECOWAS bodies in charge of competition in the Member States and to review and validate the Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the Market Study on Digital Markets from the 6th to 8th February 2024, in Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The meeting brought together Members of the CCC and staff of ERCA to review and validate the draft Cooperation/ Grant Agreement for the collection of information and administration of the ECOWAS Competition Information System (ECIS),review and validate the Terms of Reference of the market study on digital markets as well as Elect a new Bureau for the Consultative Competition Committee, being the commencement of the mandate and the maiden meeting of the new the Committee.
The Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Madame Massandjé TOURE-LITSE, on behalf of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, His Excellency Dr. Omar Alieu TOURAY, congratulated Members of the CCC for the appointment by their respective States as members of the ERCA Consultative Competition Committee (CCC) and expressed gratitude to the members of the previous Committee for the very good collaboration between ERCA and the CCC over the past four years. She pointed out that this 8th statutory meeting of the CCC is of particular significance because, in addition to examining important documents relating to cooperation in the field of competition and consumer protection, it marks the start of the four-year mandate of this CCC, following the end of the mandate of the first CCC, which ran from 2019 to 2023. The Commissioner further encouraged Members States to strengthen the legislative and Institutional framework for regional competition and consumer protection, improve knowledge of regional markets, conduct investigations for alleged criminal commercial practices and prevent commercial practices that could distort competition.
The Ag. Executive Vice Chairman of the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), Dr. Adamu Ahmed ABDULLAHI, also welcomed members to the 8th Meeting of the CCC and thanked them for their attendance. He pointed out that this meeting holds significant importance as it marks a crucial juncture in our collaborative efforts to foster fair competition and promote economic development within the ECOWAS region. He encouraged Members of the CCC to engage in vibrant discussions make decisions aimed at advancing our shared objectives.
Delivering the opening remarks on behalf of the honourable Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment Mr. Simon Omo EZOMO, Head of Special duties department welcomed the members of the CCC to Abuja and expressed the willingness of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to work in harmony with other Member States in the sub region in support of competition and regional integration.
After deliberations by the CCC, the draft Cooperation Agreement between ERCA and the member States for the collection and administration of the ECOWAS Competition Information System was reviewed and validated and will be processed for signature by both parties. The Committee also agreed on the launching of a comprehensive study on digital markets across the region and necessary steps will be taken to ensure an inclusive participation of all the relevant stakeholders in each member State.