In order to better contribute to the creation of a competitive framework and consumer protection, the RECs are putting in place a framework for cooperation in the face of the risks of overlap in the application of competition rules in Africa with the adoption of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) protocol and the existence of a plurality of competition regimes and the fact that certain States belong to several RECs.
Co-organised by the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) and the WAEMU Commission, the 2nd meeting of the competition authorities of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) was held from 23 to 25 October 2024 in Abidjan, in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.
The meeting was attended by competition authorities from the East African Community (EAC), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). The meeting was also attended by representatives of the AfCFTA Secretariat and a resource person.
The aim of the meeting was to continue discussions on ways in which the RECs can cooperate to achieve greater coherence and efficiency in the execution of their missions, particularly with the advent of a competition regime at continental level.
The meeting was opened by the heads of the competition authorities of the ECA, Mrs Lillian K. MUKORONIA, the COMESA, Dr. Willard MWEMBA and the ARCC, Dr. Simeon KOFFI, on behalf of the Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Mrs Massandjé TOURE-LISE. There were also welcoming and opening speeches by the Commissioner for Regional Cooperation and Market of the WAEMU Commission, Prof. Filiga Michel SAWADOGO, and the Deputy Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Mr. Olivier DAIPO, who represented the Minister.
All the speakers praised the role of the RECs in driving forward reforms and supporting Member States in setting up appropriate competition frameworks and effectively applying regulations designed to promote the free play of competition.
They also welcomed the initiative of the competition authorities of the RECs to strengthen their collaboration in the face of the still major challenges on the road to creating a competitive environment favourable to intra-African trade and investment. The creation of a framework for consultation between the competition and consumer protection structures of the RECs would enable them to be in regular contact and would be an important channel for exchanging points of view, experience and information on subjects of common interest. It would also enable the RECs to develop together relevant capacities in their areas of intervention, in order to assess the issues and challenges and to guide their actions in relation to changes in the markets and the economic environment. Through this consultation framework, the competition authorities will be able to consult each other more effectively and work in synergy to determine the needs and priorities of the regions in order to make a coordinated contribution to the work of the AfCFTA.
At the end of the second meeting of the REC competition authorities, the following was decided:
For the RECs:
- set up an ad hoc committee to prepare the terms of reference for the future office of this organisation of RECs and a draft cooperation framework;
- appoint a focal point per REC to facilitate the coordination and implementation of activities;
- prepare capacity-building activities for the RECs and Member States on emerging issues in the application of competition policy and law;
- work towards international cooperation to attract special projects to the continent, particularly in priority sectors, for the benefit of the continent;
- continue to implement the outcomes and recommendations of the first meeting of the RECs held in Lusaka, Zambia in July 2023, including capacity building programmes, information exchange and the preparation of a common position at continental and global fora, in the interest of competition enforcement on the continent;
- To the AfCFTA Secretariat:
- ensure continuous consultations with key stakeholders, including the RECs, in the review and finalisation of draft regulations on the implementation of the AfCFTA Protocol on Competition;
- ensure that all REC competition structures are informed of developments relating to the AfCFTA Protocol on Competition Policy;
- ensure appropriate dissemination of the draft regulations to the RECs and take into account their comments in order to finalise the draft regulations;
- organise consultation meetings with the RECs on the draft regulations relating to the AfCFTA Protocol on Competition.
Done at Abidjan on 25 October 2024