Exemption eFile an ExemptionFILL OUT YOUR FORM IN 10 STEPS Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 10If your business operation or agreement requires an exemption from certain regulatory rules, this form is designed for you. The eFile an Exemption form is used to request an exemption from competition laws under specific conditions. With this form, you can detail your reasons for seeking an exemption and provide supporting documents electronically.I agree to ERCA's Privacy Policy *YesBy checking this box, I confirm that I fully agree with the ERCA's Privacy PolicyNextSave and Resume LaterINSTRUCTIONSThis Form must be completed to the best of your ability and submitted to the ERCA Registry. Please attach any documents or relevant information to support your application. The information provided in this Form is confidential to the extent possible to enable ERCA consider your application. However, ERCA may disclose this information where necessary to assist in the discharge of its functions. ERCA will contact the applicant where it considers that it is necessary to disclose such information. However, for the avoidance of doubt, you have the right to identify which information you consider confidential by submitting a request for confidentiality together with this application1. DETAILS OF APPLICANTFull Name of Applicant or Authorised Representative *Full Name of Applicant Enterprise *Name and address of contact person *Website *PhoneEmail *Description of Industry * Visual Text If this application is being submitted jointly with other natural and/or legal person(s), please indicate and provide full details of other applicantsVisual Text Written proof of Representative’s Authority to Act * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 99 files. Where the declaration on this Form is signed by a legal practitioner or other representative of the applicant(s), please provide written proof of that representative’s authority to act on the applicant(s) behalf. The written proof must contain the name and designation of the persons granting such authority.Has an Authorisation or Exemption been granted in respect of the same agreement by ERCA? If so, please indicate the ERCA Reference Number *Visual Text Has an Authorisation or Exemption been granted in respect of the same agreement by another Regional/National Competition Authority? If so, please provide details. *Visual Text PreviousNextSave and Resume Later2. DETAILS OF THE AGREEMENT, DECISION OR CONCERTED PRACTICEProvide details of the agreement, decision or practice for which the authorisation or exemption is being sought. Also indicate the goods or services affected by the agreement or practice *Visual Text PreviousNextSave and Resume Later3. GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPESet out your view about the geographical scope of the agreement, decision or practice for which the Authorisation or Exemption is being sought, in particular the Member States within the Common Market affected or likely to be affected *Visual Text PreviousNextSave and Resume Later4. INFRINGEMENT OF COMMUNITY COMPETITION RULES (CCR)Please explain the section of the CCR which you believe have been/or likely to be infringed by the agreement, decision or conduct *Visual Text PreviousNextSave and Resume Later5. REASONS FOR AUTHORISATION OR EXEMPTION AND DURATIONPlease explain why you are applying for an Authorisation or Exemption and the duration. In particular, explain how the agreement, decision or conduct contributes to improving the production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress, while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit *Visual Text Explain how the agreement, decision or practice benefits consumers without imposing on parties involved restrictions which are not indispensable to the attainment of consumer welfare, and how the agreement, decision or practice will not result in elimination of competition in respect of a substantial part of the products or services in question *Visual Text PreviousNextSave and Resume Later6. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE REGIONAL/NATIONAL COMPETITION AUTHORITIES Please indicate whether you have approached any other Regional/National Competition Authority in relation to the same or closely related agreement or practice. If so, provide details about the authority contacted and your submissions to such authority *Visual Text PreviousNextSave and Resume Later7. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONSupporting documents * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 99 files. Please list all supporting documents that are attached to this Application *Visual Text NextSave and Resume Later5. SWORN DECLARATIONI declare that the information in this Application Form and all supporting documents I have attached are accurate and provided to ERCA in good faith. I am aware that it is an offence to provide false or misleading information to ERCA and that I am committed to cooperate fully and sincerely with ERCA until the conclusion of the investigationPrint Name *Position *Date *PreviousNextSave and Resume LaterUpdating preview…This is a preview of your submission. It has not been submitted yet! Please take a moment to verify your information. You can also go back to make changes.PreviousConfirm and SubmitSave and Resume Later Your form entry has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link ERCA Complaint Management System Introducing ERCA Statistical System