
Power System Technical Performance


Study Committee C4 is responsible for advanced methods and tools for analysis related to power systems.

Areas of attention include:

  • Power Quality Performance: Continuity of end-to-end electric power supply and voltage waveform quality (magnitude, frequency, symmetry). Analysis covers emission assessments from disturbing installations, measurement and simulation methods, identification of quality indices, monitoring techniques, immunity of sensitive installations, and mitigation techniques taking into account a co-ordinated approach across all voltage levels.
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): High frequency disturbances on the end-to-end electricity supply and all disturbances (HF or LF) reaching equipment other than through the electricity supply. Studies include measurement and simulation methods. Health effects related to low frequency EMF are however excluded.
  • Power System Dynamics: Development of advanced tools and new analytical techniques for assessment of power system dynamic/transient performance, security, design of controls and modelling of existing and new equipment, real time stability evaluation and control.
  • Lightning: Analysis of lightning characteristics and interactions of lightning with electric power systems and equipment, including protection in MV and LV networks against lightning, and their standardisation.
  • Insulation Co-ordination: Methods and tools for insulation co-ordination and electromagnetic transient analysis in electric power systems and equipment, contributing to optimisation of their cost and reliability.

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